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Unveil the Mysteries of Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park!

Embark on an extraordinary journey! Nestled in the heart of the Philippines lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered - the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. This park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New7Wonders of Nature, is a testament to the Philippines’ rich natural heritage and biodiversity. Established on March 26, 1971, it has been a beacon of natural beauty and ecological importance for over half a century.

Step into a world of adventure as the park opens its doors from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. For an admission fee of approximately ₱500, with an additional ₱85 for an audio device and ₱150 for an environmental fee, you gain access to a realm of breathtaking sights and unforgettable experiences.

Timing is everything! The best time to visit is during the dry periods, from November to May. This is when the waves are at their calmest and the weather is at its finest, providing the perfect conditions for exploration.

Respect the rules, respect nature! The park enforces a NO PERMIT, NO ENTRY POLICY. All visitors are required to secure a Visitor Entry Permit at the Underground River Booking Office before proceeding to the park. The park also has a carrying capacity of 900 visitors a day, ensuring that the delicate balance of the ecosystem is maintained.

Your adventure awaits! Your visit contributes to the preservation of this magnificent site for future generations. So, pack your bags, set your spirit free, and dive into the adventure that awaits at the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park!

How to Get There: Getting to the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is an adventure in itself! Here are some ways to reach this natural wonder:

By Air: The quickest way is to take a flight to Puerto Princesa City, Palawan1. From Manila, you can take a train to Baclaran LRT, walk to Victory Liner, take a bus to NAIA Terminal 2, walk to Manila airport, fly to Puerto Princesa, then take a van or hire a private vehicle to the park2.

By Land: From Puerto Princesa City, the park is accessible by land via a 76 km concrete road3. It is served by public utility jeep and air-conditioned shuttle vans. It takes around one and a half hours of travel from the City to Sabang3.

By Sea: From Sabang, the Underground River may be accessed by a 20-minute ferry ride to the beach area near the cave entrance3.

Remember, the journey is part of the adventure! Enjoy every moment of it.

Note: Prices and schedules may vary. Please check the official website for the most accurate information.

References: UNESCO World Heritage Centre: Puerto Princesa Underground River: New7Wonders of Nature: Puerto Princesa Underground River Fees: Best Time to Visit Puerto Princesa: Weather in Puerto Princesa: Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Rules and Regulations.

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